English bulldog Zsa Zsa wins World's Ugliest Dog title
PETALUMA, Calif. — A 9-year-old English bulldog was named the winner of the 2018 World's Ugliest Dog contest in the San Francisco Bay Area. Zsa Zsa won the title Saturday night at the Sonoma-Marin Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds in Petaluma. The dog's owner Megan Brainard of Anoka, Minnesota, will receive $1,500 for Zsa Zsa's win. The competition included a blackhead-covered Chinese Crested-Dachshund mutt, a bulldog mix with excess wrinkly skin and a Pekingese named Wild Thang. Last year's winner was a 125-pound gentle giant named Martha — a Neopolitan Mastiff with gas and a droopy face.
English Bulldog Zsa Zsa Wins World's Ugliest Dog Contest
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